
We want to show your pictures from the district!

Construction – Daily life – Destruction – Moving – Personal stories

Foto: U. Grauel
Foto: Fam. Brix
Foto: U. Grauel

Photos wanted:

We want to show your pictures from the district! Do you still have pictures from the earliest years of Suhl-Nord? From your kids in the sandbox? From hanging out at the bus stop? From handicrafts in the basement? From the wedding party in the new apartment? From moving before the tear-down? A selection of the photos will be shown in a large open-air exhibition in the quarter. We will publish the stories behind the pictures on our website. Send us an e-mail or call us to make an appointment to hand in your pictures.

Feel free to make an appointment to come by our office personally with your photo albums. Or send us an email with a photo in the best possible quality together with your story.